Auto-Tech, Garage Services, MOT, Tyres, Exhausts, Aircon repairs in Hambleton, Poulton Le Fylde, Blackpool & Wyre
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Bosch Wipers from £4.79 , Oldham Batteries , wipers fitted , Poulton and Hambleton
At the rear of
Hambleton Service
Station - behind the

Free local collection &
delivery available.
Hours Mon - Fri 8.15-5.00
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quote for any work
your car requires.
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Retail Motor Industry Federation Member
MOT Testing in Hambleton , Poulton Le Fylde
£10 off the price of a annual MOT
Once a car or light van is 3 years old, it requires
by law to have a annual MOT test. Now that
all MOT testing centres are linked to a central
computer database, the police can immediately
tell whether a car has a current MOT certificate.
A MOT test is basically a safety check, the items
checked and method of inspection being set by
the government body VOSA .

Call Auto-Tech Hambleton on 01253 701821 to
book an appointment for your MOT.
1. Lights      Front and rear lamps etc, headlamps, headlamp aim, stop lamps, rear reflectors, direction indicators, hazard lamps, rear fog lights.
2. Steering and suspension Steering control, steering mechanism/system, power steering, transmission shafts, wheel bearings, front suspension, rear suspension, shock absorbers.
3. Tyres and wheels    Tyre size/type, tyre condition, road wheels.
4. Brakes    ABS warning system/controls, condition of service brake system, condition of parking brake system, service brake performance, parking brake performance.
5. Seat belts   Mountings, condition, operation, position.
6. General     Driver's view of the road, horn, exhaust system, exhaust emissions, vehicle condition, mirrors, fuel system registration plates and VIN numbers.

MOT testing at Auto-Tech Hambleton Poulton Le Fylde
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 8.15am - 5.00pm

AutoTech Hambleton Poulton Le Fylde
Car Servicing - MOT - Tyres - Diagnostics - Brakes - Clutches - Gearboxes - Air Conditioning - Auto Electrics - Batteries - Wiper Blades - Bulbs
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